Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rosemary Roast Chicken

Today we are going to roast a whole chicken out on the charcoal grill. For this I bought a fryer that weighs about 5-1/2 pounds. Lets get the grill ready. We want to use indirect heat to roast the chicken so what you need to do is line the outside wall of your round Weber grill with the charcoal. Stack them on top of each other all the way around the grill until the charcoal is just below the level where the grate sits that you cook on. Today I used about 100 charcoal briquettes. Soak them good with some lighter fluid and fire those babies up. While the charcoal is getting ready we will prepare the chicken for the grill. First you need to make a foil boat to cook the chicken on. It should about 10 x 12 inches so double up the foil and make it a little larger as you will need to fold up the edges a couple of times to hold in the juices. Place your foil boat on a pan for support and once the chicken is ready you can slide it off right onto the grill. Next lets give the chicken a good bath rinsing it very well with cold water and place it back side down on the foil boat. Fold the wing tips back under the chicken so it looks like the chicken has its hands behind its head.  For seasoning I clipped some fresh Rosemary and Chives, rinsed them and gave them a little chop. I would guess about a 1/4 cup of each. Sprinkle the herbs over the entire chicken, season generously with fresh ground black pepper, garlic powder and some Cajun spice. Off to the grill we go. Slide the foil boat off the pan on to the center of the grill, place the lid on and let it cook.The chicken is going to take about 2 hours and should reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees. I usually check the thigh with a meat thermometer, be sure not to be touching the bone. You can also check the breast sticking the thermometer in close to but not touching the bone. The breast has a tendency to get done a little earlier than the thigh so I check the thigh. Tonight we are going to have a nice green salad and some fresh grilled corn on the cob to go along with our chicken. Two hours have passed and the chicken is done. Chicken is another one of those things when roasted whole it needs a little time to rest before you start cutting it up. Slide the foil boat off the grill and back on to the pan, take it inside and lay a piece of foil over it loosely. Grab your corn and head back to the grill, knock that charcoal down and spread it out, place the corn on the grill and put the lid back on. Give it a few minutes and turn the corn being careful to get some nice color and not to burn. The corn should take 10 minutes or so. When you have some nice color and it seems tender pull the corn and take it in. Try a little chopped cilantro and a squeeze of  lime on your corn in addition to the butter and salt and pepper you normally use. It really gives it some nice flavor. Well the corn is done, the chicken is ready and the salad is in the bowl....lets eat. Enjoy!!!

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