Monday, May 23, 2011

Strawberry Cream Cheese Crepes

This is a tasty little dessert, not real heavy and full of flavor. Fresh strawberries and whipped cream cheese inside delicate homemade crepes topped with more strawberries. This time of year the berries are getting sweeter and the price is right so it's a great time to put this dish together. And crepes, how fun and special. Not something you see every day and they are really simple to make. To start you need to set out 8 ounces of cream cheese so it will warm up and be easier to whip. Now lets make some crepe batter. Here's the ingredients:

Eggs, lightly whipped                                 4 each
Milk, skim                                                   1-1/3 cups
Flour, all purpose                                       1 cup
Salt (optional)                                             1/4 tsp
Butter, melted                                             2 Tbs

After whipping the eggs add the milk and whip a little more. Add the salt and gradually add the flour, whipping the batter as you add. Continue until all flour is added and batter is smooth. Add the butter and mix well, set aside until you're ready to make crepes. It's good to let the batter sit a little bit so while we're waiting lets get started on the filling. Here's what you need:

Strawberries, washed and sliced                                 2 pounds
(save some berries for garnish if you like)
Cream cheese                                                               8 ounces
Powdered sugar                                                           1/4 cup

Whip the cream cheese and powdered sugar until it's light and fluffy, separate out about 2 cups of sliced strawberries and fold into the cream cheese. Take the remaining strawberries and add about 1/2 cup of powdered sugar, mix well and put in he refrigerator for later. Now lets make crepes.

Using an 8 inch skillet with medium high heat, spray lightly with pan spray. Using a 1/4 cup measuring cup (not quite full) add batter to the pan and kind of swirl around in the pan to spread the batter evenly. When the crepe is slightly browned turn the crepe with a thin spatula, I like to flip them like an omelet but that might take a little practice. Cook briefly on the opposite side(it should brown a little also) and turn it out onto a sheet of wax paper. Continue process until crepe batter is gone spraying pan for each crepe. This makes about 16 crepes. You can make these a day ahead if you like, cover tight after they are cool and refrigerate. To fill the crepes I find it easiest to lay them all out if you have room or at least half and divide the filling accordingly. I did discover that the filling only filled 10 of the crepes so either I miscalculated or I just like fat crepes. Any way I will post a recipe to use the extra crepes in just a day or two so we can use them up. Roll the crepes up nice and tight and place on a cookie sheet. Refrigerate until you are ready to serve. Oh yes the strawberries we saved for garnish, simple, turn the berry with the stem side down and slice down toward the stem being careful not to cut all the way through. Make about 5 or 6 cuts and carefully fan the strawberry out. Plate your crepes on a salad plate, top with a generous amount of the strawberries that you sugared up earlier and top with the garnish. Looks great and tastes even better. 

1 comment:

  1. I've never had crepes, but these look yummy!! This blog is making me hungry & the plates look beautiful!
