Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Shrimp and Pasta

It was Mother's Day Sunday and you always need to fix a nice meal for Mom or for the mother of your children. It seemed to be a good day to put some shrimp out on the grill, cook up some whole wheat pasta and make a nice marinara sauce to go along with it. Add some Parmesan toast and a nice vegetable or green salad and you're sure to make Mom and every one else happy. Of course it doesn't have to be Mother's Day to enjoy a good meal so really you can have this anytime. First put on a pot of water for your pasta and then lets start with the shrimp. Usually a couple of pounds of shrimp will do the trick. I like the larger shrimp but you have to remember the larger they are the higher the price. There are alot of options when buying shrimp so check it out and decide what works best for you. You can buy them with the shell on and peel them your self or you can get them already peeled and deveined. The latter is the most desirable, may cost a little more but I think you will find it's well worth it. I like to put the shrimp on a skewer so I don't lose any on the grill. It's no fun watching the little guys fall into your hot coals and burn up. Much more fun to eat them. Any way put them on a skewer either metal or wooden and if you use wooden I would suggest soaking them for about an hour in water to help keep them from burning. Most likely they will still burn a little but not as bad as the shrimp really don't take very long to cook. Try not to pack them on too tight either as it will slow the cooking process. It's okay to have them pushed together just not real tight. Season your shrimp with garlic powder, fresh ground black pepper and parsley flakes. Add a little sea salt if you like but it's really not necessary. Season on both sides and put in the refrigerator until it's time to cook them. When ever the pasta water comes to a boil go ahead a cook the pasta. One pound should do the trick.  When it is done you can rinse it in cold water and set it aside for later. Time to make some marinara for the pasta. The ingredients you will need are:

Olive oil                                           3 Tbs
Yellow onion, diced                        1/2 large
Garlic powder                                  2 Tbs
Italian Seasoning                              1 Tbs
Parsley flakes                                   2 Tbs
Fresh ground black pepper              1/2 Tbs
Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy Blend          2 Tbs
Crushed tomatoes                            2 - 28 ounce cans
Diced tomatoes                                1 - 14.5 ounce can
Granulated sugar                              2 Tbs

Heat the olive oil slightly and on medium heat saute the onions until they are translucent. Add all the spices except the sugar while the onions are cooking. When the onions are done add the tomato products and mix well. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes to one hour. Add the sugar and serve.
Again you may have noticed I didn't add any salt. I just don't use it. Try it and if you feel it needs some salt then go ahead and add a little. Usually canned tomato products already have plenty in them.

While your sauce is cooking slice up a loaf of your favorite french bread. Make it kind of thick and butter both sides, coat them generously with Parmesan cheese and place on a cookie sheet. Heat your oven to 400 degrees and then go out and start the grill. When the grill is good and hot toss the pasta in the sauce give it a good stir with it still on low heat, put the bread in the oven and head for the grill. The shrimp should take about 10 minutes on a good hot grill so you want to stay with them so they don't over cook. They will turn kind of pink and firm up. When you get back inside the bread will be done and the pasta hot. This recipe will feed 6 easily.  Time to eat. Enjoy.

If you are reading my blog I would really like to hear from you. Try the recipes and let me know what you think or if there is something you would like me to make let me know. I really enjoy what I do and want to share so please make a comment.
Sorry no pics with this posting.......we ate everything.

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